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آخر تحديث: الأربعاء 11 ذو القعدة 1436هـ - 26 أغسطس 2015م 04:18 م

فيديو وصور: لحظة تعثر صبي بلوحة أثرية قيمتها 1.5 مليون دولار

فيديو وصور: لحظة تعثر صبي بلوحة أثرية قيمتها 1.5 مليون دولار
صورة من الفيديو

المدينة نيوز:- أفاد تقرير إخباري اليوم الثلاثاء بأن لوحة عمرها 350 عاماً عادت للعرض مجدداً في تايوان بعدما خرقها صبي نتيجة تعثره خلال التجول في المعرض الذي توجد به.
وكانت كاميرات المراقبة في معرض “وجه ليوناردو : صور عبقري” في تايوان تمكنت يوم الأحد الماضي من توثيق لحظة تعثر الطفل خلال المرور بجانب لوحة “الزهور” للفنان الإيطالي باولو بوربورا ويبلغ طولها مترين وعمرها نحو 350 عاماً وقيمتها تزيد على 1.5 مليون دولار.
وأفادت وكالة الأنباء المركزية التايوانية أمس الإثنين بأن المنظمين قرروا عدم مطالبة أسرة الصبي بتكلفة الترميم، والتي سوف يغطيها تأمين اللوحة. فيما بدأ الخبير التايواني ليو تساي شون جين عملية ترميم عاجلة استغرقت ساعات فقط ليتمكن المعرض الفني من فتح أبوابه مجدداً.
وطبقاً لصفحة المعرض على فيس بوك، فإن ما يزيد على 50 لوحة أصلية لفنانين بارزين تتباين أعمارها بداية من عصر النهضة الإيطالي وحتى القرن العشرين معروضة حتى 20 سبتمبر (أيلول) المقبل.



Pic shows: The damaged painting. A young boy damaged an expensive painting at a Leonardo da Vinci art exhibition this week when he lost his footing - and put his hand through the canvas while trying to regain his balance. The unnamed boy, aged 12, was at an exhibition hall in the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in the Taiwanese capital Taipei when he tripped and punched a hand-sized hole in the Paolo Porpora (1617–1673) painting known as "Flowers", which was part of a da Vinci art viewing. Sun chi-hsuan, head of the exhibition co-organiser TST Art of Discovery Co., said the 200-centimetre tall painting at the exhibition – titled "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" – is around 350-years-old and valued at over 50 million NTD (950,000 GBP). Fortunately for the boy’s family, organisers said they will not ask that they pay for damage done to the 17th century painting. Instead, insurance will cover the full cost of the restoration, which will be done in Taiwan. Chi-hsuan added that Andrea Rossi, the exhibition’s visiting curator, was shocked to learn about the incident, and that he will be discussing restoration work with a Taiwanese art restorer before shipping the artwork back to Italy. Andrea reportedly also asked that the boy not be blamed or punished for the accident. Chi-hsuan also said that the insurance company will be compensating the owner of the painting, adding that this is the first time a valuable painting loaned to Taiwan has suffered such serious damage. "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" exhibition is currently displaying more than 50 authentic paintings by artists from the Italian Renaissance to the 20th century. (ends)

Pic shows: A miniature version of the original. A young boy damaged an expensive painting at a Leonardo da Vinci art exhibition this week when he lost his footing - and put his hand through the canvas while trying to regain his balance. The unnamed boy, aged 12, was at an exhibition hall in the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in the Taiwanese capital Taipei when he tripped and punched a hand-sized hole in the Paolo Porpora (1617–1673) painting known as "Flowers", which was part of a da Vinci art viewing. Sun chi-hsuan, head of the exhibition co-organiser TST Art of Discovery Co., said the 200-centimetre tall painting at the exhibition – titled "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" – is around 350-years-old and valued at over 50 million NTD (950,000 GBP). Fortunately for the boy’s family, organisers said they will not ask that they pay for damage done to the 17th century painting. Instead, insurance will cover the full cost of the restoration, which will be done in Taiwan. Chi-hsuan added that Andrea Rossi, the exhibition’s visiting curator, was shocked to learn about the incident, and that he will be discussing restoration work with a Taiwanese art restorer before shipping the artwork back to Italy. Andrea reportedly also asked that the boy not be blamed or punished for the accident. Chi-hsuan also said that the insurance company will be compensating the owner of the painting, adding that this is the first time a valuable painting loaned to Taiwan has suffered such serious damage. "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" exhibition is currently displaying more than 50 authentic paintings by artists from the Italian Renaissance to the 20th century. (ends)

Pic shows: The damaged painting. A young boy damaged an expensive painting at a Leonardo da Vinci art exhibition this week when he lost his footing - and put his hand through the canvas while trying to regain his balance. The unnamed boy, aged 12, was at an exhibition hall in the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in the Taiwanese capital Taipei when he tripped and punched a hand-sized hole in the Paolo Porpora (1617–1673) painting known as "Flowers", which was part of a da Vinci art viewing. Sun chi-hsuan, head of the exhibition co-organiser TST Art of Discovery Co., said the 200-centimetre tall painting at the exhibition – titled "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" – is around 350-years-old and valued at over 50 million NTD (950,000 GBP). Fortunately for the boy’s family, organisers said they will not ask that they pay for damage done to the 17th century painting. Instead, insurance will cover the full cost of the restoration, which will be done in Taiwan. Chi-hsuan added that Andrea Rossi, the exhibition’s visiting curator, was shocked to learn about the incident, and that he will be discussing restoration work with a Taiwanese art restorer before shipping the artwork back to Italy. Andrea reportedly also asked that the boy not be blamed or punished for the accident. Chi-hsuan also said that the insurance company will be compensating the owner of the painting, adding that this is the first time a valuable painting loaned to Taiwan has suffered such serious damage. "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" exhibition is currently displaying more than 50 authentic paintings by artists from the Italian Renaissance to the 20th century. (ends)

Pic shows: The damaged painting. A young boy damaged an expensive painting at a Leonardo da Vinci art exhibition this week when he lost his footing - and put his hand through the canvas while trying to regain his balance. The unnamed boy, aged 12, was at an exhibition hall in the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in the Taiwanese capital Taipei when he tripped and punched a hand-sized hole in the Paolo Porpora (1617–1673) painting known as "Flowers", which was part of a da Vinci art viewing. Sun chi-hsuan, head of the exhibition co-organiser TST Art of Discovery Co., said the 200-centimetre tall painting at the exhibition – titled "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" – is around 350-years-old and valued at over 50 million NTD (950,000 GBP). Fortunately for the boy’s family, organisers said they will not ask that they pay for damage done to the 17th century painting. Instead, insurance will cover the full cost of the restoration, which will be done in Taiwan. Chi-hsuan added that Andrea Rossi, the exhibition’s visiting curator, was shocked to learn about the incident, and that he will be discussing restoration work with a Taiwanese art restorer before shipping the artwork back to Italy. Andrea reportedly also asked that the boy not be blamed or punished for the accident. Chi-hsuan also said that the insurance company will be compensating the owner of the painting, adding that this is the first time a valuable painting loaned to Taiwan has suffered such serious damage. "The Face of Leonardo, Images of a Genius" exhibition is currently displaying more than 50 authentic paintings by artists from the Italian Renaissance to the 20th century. (ends)



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