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الأربعاء 15 ذو القعدة 1435هـ - 10 سبتمبر 2014م 09:06 ص
ارتفاع معدل التضخم السنوي في مصر
LG NBC News: - The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt, on Wednesday, said that consumer price inflation in urban areas rose to 11.5% in August, on an annual basis from 11% in July.
Egypt and raised fuel prices by up to 78% in July, in a long-awaited step to ease the burden of energy subsidy burden on the government budget deficit ballooning.
The increased sales tax on cigarettes and alcohol, and imposed a tax on the profits of transactions in the stock market.
And fuel prices are reflected on all walks of life in Egypt, almost, and then the government predicted that the increase in fuel prices lead to higher inflation over the ten percent barrier.
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